Friday, December 31, 2010

Luke 2:11 sets the importance of Christmas, that central figure Who was born to die, granting the ultimate gift of salvation..."for unto you is born this day in the city of David, a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."

Our family took advantage of our time together, sharing memories, gifts and GREAT food (my son and daughter did the cooking). And new to our family this year is little Dillon!

There were four families that joined hearts to share the celebration of Christmas and the Father's gift to us, the Christ child.

The big boys joined in all the celebration after eating too. The table overflowed with prime rib, turkey, ham and all the fixings. There were plenty of sweets too. Everyone favored Aunt Susie's chocolate cream pie.

Mom and Dad had so much fun seeing 3 generations buzzing around, not to mention the cats and dogs who got into the fun.

By the end of the evening, with glad hearts and a storehouse of memories we cleaned up, packed up and shipped off kissing and hugging one another.

There is no end to the gracious favor of our Lord. This year brought challenges, testings, and more blessings than we can count.

Thanks to our heavenly Father and Lord Jesus for such an abundance.

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