Unbelievable! Who would have imagined to put a gator exhibit in Colorado...where it snows! But here is proof. What a crazy-fun place. Our summer trip started with a visit to Colorado Gators. The place is out in the middle of...well it was a long drive! But worth it. We each overcame our fear of touching this gator for a picture. Stand very still!

Now, here is a prime specimen of a fearsome creature. Along with famous gators like the one from Happy Gilmore, we saw ostrich's, iguana's, bunny's, ducks and fish...and who knows what else. Even a snake passed our path, and a tortoise joined us as we scampered the grounds.
By the end of the day we had seen gator eggs, touched & fed gators, and chased a snake. I can verify...kids think this is thrilling! Grandma was a hit for finding this far out place.
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