Christmas with loved ones...a true gift from our Father.
We were all awake by 7AM and gathered into the front room on the Avenues...right smack dab near the capitol building. Stockings were stuffed, and "mugs" of pistachio's overflowing and special gifts for all.
Mom and brother arrived to join the breakfast feast. The table was decorated beautifully...thanks to the kids! Thanks!
We all dug in with glad hearts and left with full stomachs........then dashed off to get ready for church. Garrett played his bag-pipes and Wendy joined the choir. The essence of Christmas...Jesus. There is only One Lord, and One Savior...only One we bow to. He is the Reason for The Season.
My husband and I were given an unexpected treat...which is an understatement. Our BIL took us out to his hanger to enjoy our first adventure-ride above the city in his 2 seater plane. Bright red, humming like a bird and packed with thrills! Can you believe it...there we were taking off and soaring with the big boys...well, up in the air but far from the bigger commercial birds. That's OK, it's safer!
Can you imagine how hard our hearts were beating at this moment...while the pilot brother in law is very qualified, it was his calm and sure handling of his plane and controls that soothed over my "what if's" and gave way to pure bliss!
Mom's house was full of gifts and good company. We were all blessed ! My husband & I could only say with humble hearts "Thank you, Father" and bow our hearts to Him.
There are so many memories we hold in our hearts to re-warm the soul that longs to hug and hold on to our family.
For now, we give thanks for the time, the love and the pictures that live on in the video's of our minds.
The shop was used again for their annual family production of the night Jesus was born. How excellent to gather and hear from Luke the recounted timeless message of our Savior's birth, sing his praises, most in German (not me, but I loved them), and see the little ones dressed and caring out the story on cue.
By the end of our wonderful Christmas stay we wanted more...with so much fun around the family it was hard to say good buy ...again for now.
GREAT pictures!! Thanks for sharing them ... I was soooo sad to see you guys go. It was wonderful having you here!! Hope we get to see each other again REALLY SOON!! :) Love you!! :)